Vancouver Photo Gallery

Howe Sound, Vancouver
Vancouver Map 159kb
Vancouver Map (Region) 32kb
Vancouver - Getting Around
Vancouver Attractions
Vancouver Dining
Quick Info
Latitude: 49.1997 to 49.35865
Longitude: -122.919 to -123.2782
Google Map

Area code(s): 604
Postal Code(s): V5A, V5B, V5C, V5G, V5H, V5J, V5K, V5L, V5M, V5N, V5P, V5R, V5S, V5T, V5V, V5W, V5X, V5Y, V5Z, V6A, V6B, V6C, V6E, V6G, V6H, V6J, V6K, V6L, V6M, V6N, V6P, V6R, V6S, V6T, V6Z, V7H, V7J, V7L, V7M, V7N, V7P, V7S, V7T, V7V, V7W, V7X, V7Y
Population: 1,986,965
Getting Around
By North American standards, Vancouver has quite a decent public transit system. It is run by a regional transportation authority called TransLink and connects the various municipalities in the greater Vancouver area. Transportation is provided by bus, train (called the "skytrain", because it runs on elevated rails) and even by boats (called "seabus", for obvious reasons). Cash fares cost anywhere from $2.25 to $4.50, depending on the time of day and number of transit zones you More...
Vancouver is the largest city in Western Canada, located at the southwestern corner of the coastal province of British Columbia. It is well known for its scenery, nestled as it is between mountains and ocean. It often makes lists of "best cities to live in" and is certainly a beautiful destination to visit.
In 1986 Vancouver More...
• See Vancouver & Beyond Smartvisit™ Card - Vancouver's all-inclusive attractions pass offers free entry to a variety of leading attractions in Vancouver & the surrounding regions for a single all-inclusive price. Discover Vancouver Aquarium, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Vancouver Harbour Cruises, Vancouver Lookout!, sightseeing tours, gardens, outdoor adventures, galleries, museums and so much more. Visitors can start to save money after visiting as few as two Vancouver More...
Where to begin? There is something for everyone in this cosmopolitan city. In particular, you will find many different kinds of Asian food available. If you fancy Sushi (or have not tried it yet) many places offer "all you can eat" lunches for $9.99. In general, you are likely to dine better and for cheaper than most other places in North America. If you can do without alcohol, you can usually have a pretty reasonable meal for under $10.00, and at the most expensive restaurants in the city, More...