Artists and Painters in Calgary Region, Alberta (AB) - Listings Canada
Canada > Alberta > Calgary Region > Arts and Crafts > Artists
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Alig, George (Calgary)
Original watercolors and limited edition prints for sale by Calgary Artist. - |
Aliki's Art House (Calgary)
Aliki's Arthouse - Teaching the world to draw and journal. - |
Art of Harry Palmer (Calgary) - |
Art Of Herb Sellin... A Retrospective Exhibition (Calgary)
A Retrospective Exhibition of more than 600 Works of Art painted by Herb Sellin over a period of more than 30 years. - |
Art of Wendy Powell (Calgary)
Wendy Powell is an internationally acclaimed painter with her studio in Calgary, Alberta. Her specialties include wildlife and watercolours. - |
Authentic Egg Artistry by Darlene (Calgary)
View Egg Images in The Galleries: Weddings Anniversaries * Original images Holidays Spiritual Sports Collectible * Figurines Jewel Boxes * Equipment ! My cat Horse * * HAND CRAFTED FOR SPECIAL ... - |
Calgary Sketch Club (Calgary)
The Calgary Sketch Club was incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act in September 1939 and continues to this day with membership limited to 100 artists. - |
Chickadee, Ink Creations (Calgary)
A new artist has come on the scene combining a love of decorative art and landscape painting. - |
Cindy Bouwers Art (Calgary)
Cindy Bouwers is a full time painter working from her downtown Calgary Studio. Energized by the play of light her nature inspired paintings range from impressionistic to abstract. - |
Correia, Martinho (Calgary)
Welcome Martinho Correia is a contemporary realist painter who is currently living and working in Florence, Italy. This site is dedicated to showcasing his work. Commissions Works on the site are ... - |
David Grudniski (Calgary)
Dynamic, Colourful paintings of Horses, Totems, Moons, and Abstract landscapes are representative of the unique painting style of David Grudniski. - |
Doug Swinton, Artist (Calgary)
Doug Swinton is one of Canada's premier outdoor painters. He paints landscapes, florals, still lifes, figures and portraits. - |
Ella Charette Masterworks Fine Artist (Calgary)
Ella Charette is a finely cultivated Russian artist now living in Canada. Ella?s sense of dedication, style and colour are self-evident in her work and her life. She is an artist who creates because ... - |
Helfrich, J.M. (Calgary)
Surrealism : Surrealist Artist Helfrich. Art gallery of surreal artworks of artist Helfrich. Interpretations of surrealism and environmentalism. - |
Jana Milne - Online Art Studio (Calgary)
Jana Milne is a Canadian Artist living in Calgary, AB. Her online Art Studio is full of contemporary paintings, vibrant with color and energy capturing the charm of life. - |
Jean Geddes Art (Calgary)
Jean Geddes is a plein air painter and Western Canadian landscape artist, from Calgary, Alberta. Visit her website to view original oil paintings, galleries who carry her artwork, and more. - | (Calgary)
Search for: Julie Himel Still Life Portrait Painter Main menu Skip to content Home Bio Gallery Portrait Commissions C.V. Blog Contact Home Social Media Facebook 16 LinkedIn 0 Twitter 0 Pinterest 0 ... - |
Le Faive, Annette (Calgary)
Natural Impressions Watercolour paintings by Annette Le Faive Welcome to my site. Do drop by occasionally as new work will be added. Last updated: September 12, 2005 10:31 PM - |
Leighton Art Centre, Gallery and Museum (Calgary)
c5b This web site will look much better in a browser that supports current web standards, although its content is accessible to any browser or internet device. To upgrade your broswer, please ... - |
Marjanovic, Branko (Calgary)
Branko Marjanovic is a Canadian watercolor artist living in Calgary, Alberta. - |
Maureena's Artwork (Calgary)
Artwork and Genealogy website - |
McLennan, Sean - Upon My Shore (Calgary)
What are you doing here? Do something important with your time! Go to Democracy Now . - |
Menzart Distributing (Calgary)
wildlife drawings, wildlife art, pencil art, animals pictures, wildlife pencil drawings, wildlife art gallery, wildlife pencil art, animated animals, bird drawings, animal drawings, fish drawings - |
Michael Coolidge (Calgary)
new works in sculpture, installation, and drawing - |
Michelle Grant (Calgary) - |
Modlinski, Dominik J. (Calgary)
Offical website of Dominik Modlinski, artist and explorer. Journey with Dominik as he explores and paints landscapes in the Canadian Wilderness. View the gallery, - |
Mona Lisa Artists' Materials Resource Site (Calgary)
Mona Lisa Artists Material Ltd is the leading fine arts material retailer in Calgary, Alberta. We have extensive range of products from paints, pencils and - |
Pidgeon, Eleanor L. (Calgary)
contemporary figurative and landscape paintings by Eleanor Lowden, fine artist living and working in Toronto, Ontario, Canada - |
Terry Southwood Oil Paintings (Calgary)
Canadian artist based in Calgary, Alberta painting figurative, wildlife, floral and landscape art. Site provides locations and images of the paintings, plus biography and coming events. - |
Theriault, Raymond (Calgary)
The Art Work of Raymond Thériault Welcome! Épices 2003, oil on canvas, 42" x 67" From the show Spices Oct. 25-Nov. 8, 2003 Kensington Fine Art Gallery Calgary CANADA Click on the painting to ... - |
Tkach-Matisons, Lillian (Calgary)
Contemporary ART Originals by Canadian Artist/Instructor Lillian Tkach-Matisons. - |
Tresa M. Gibson - Artist (Calgary)
Calgary artist Tresa Gibson presents oil paintings with energy, passion and free expression. Tresa's work is available through private consultations, commissions and gallery art shows. - |
Wayne Bonney (Calgary)
This is an art site for all artists around the world to post their artwork and have it for sale in prints or original work. Please visit it..Thank you. - |
Webster Galleries (Calgary)
Toggle navigation Home Artists Categories Drawing Inuit Jewellery Painting Photography Print Sculpture Exhibitions Current & Future Exhibitions Past Exhibitions Services Framing Corporate ... - |
Shannon Ford BFA - Oil Paintings and Precious Metal Sculpture (Dewinton)
Shannon Ford designs and creates each work in her studio near Calgary. Shannon's unique or limited edition pieces provide the essence of the individual's desire for expression through art - |
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