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Abix (Quebec City)
ABIX - Personal organizer with calendar, todo, address book, family budget, home inventory and more! - Modify | Report
Amadeus International (Quebec City)
Xybion Corporation offers a comprehensive portfolio of software, services and solutions that includes Maximo Enterprise Asset Management, Pristima Pre-clinical solutions, Enterprise Content ... - Modify | Report
Copernic Technologies Inc. (Quebec City)
Copernic develops software that provides businesses and professionals with the means to find and manage information. Makers of Copernic Agent, Copernic Summarizer, and Copernic Enterprise Search - Modify | Report
Dynagram Software Inc. (Quebec City)
Dynagram offers scalable and professional imposition solutions for small to large commercial printers. - Modify | Report
PanaVue (Quebec City)
High end image stitching software for your camera and scanner. - Modify | Report
Société Informatique Safi Inc. (Sainte Foy) - Modify | Report
Abak Project Management Software - Time and Billing Software (Quebec City)
Abak Time and Billing Software. Project Management Software used for timesheet, expense account, freelance management, resource planning and billing. - Modify | Report
Interal Maintenance Software CMMS GMOA Production CPMS Inventory Purchasing Punch Systems (Quebec City)
Maintenance, inventory and production software developer (CMMS, CPMS), ATL Active X components. Bar code system and RF terminals. - Modify | Report
Exorsys International Inc (Quebec City)
Export / migrate Revelation and Advanced Revelation applications and data using Exorsys tools and services - Modify | Report
Gestion de Collections Informatisées inc. (Quebec City)
GCI, gestion intégrée de l'information (GII), Experts en gestion documentaire, Gestion des documents, logiciel Ultima, Performance et sécurité. - Modify | Report
Innovmetric Software (Sainte Foy)
PolyWorks from Innovmetric, reverse engineering and inspection software for 3D digitizers, 3D scanners and CMM for rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3D design, inspection, CAD comparison and CAD/CAM. - Modify | Report
National Bank Insurance - Home and Auto Insurance (Quebec City, Montreal)
National Bank Insurance is a general insurance company that offers home and auto insurance quotes for residents of Québec. Online purchase of auto insurance is also available. Find information on home - Modify | Report
PME Symbiose (Quebec City)
Logiciel de gestion manufacturière permettant l'acquisition des données de production en temps réel - Modify | Report
Adept Technologie Canada (Sainte Foy)
Adept robots, linear mechanisms, motion control, machine vision and automation software products are used by a wide range of industries worldwide. - Modify | Report
Baan Supply Chain Solutions (Sainte Foy)
We've built our business on proven extended ERP solutions that deliver integrated, end-to-end performance-from global supply chain to back office-with rapid, dependable ROI. 13, 000 active ... - Modify | Report
Computer Systems Advisers, Inc. (Quebec City)
Find a model management solutions for your business. The SILVERRUN tools suite opens a large area of opportunities for your enterprise... - Modify | Report
CyberCat Inc. (Quebec City)
CyberCat, Des solutions adaptées à VOS besoins. Développement sur mesure de commerce électronique, outils pour force de vente sans fil, intranet / extranet, Tableau de bord de gestion. - Modify | Report
Harfan Technologies Inc. (Pont Rouge)
VFA facilitates an integrated approach to facilities capital planning and management with Facilities Capital Planning and Management Solutions - Modify | Report
Madeleine Leduc Inc. (Pointe-aux-Trembles)
Madeleine Leduc Inc. est une société d'experts-conseil en gestion documentaire et en gestion de dossiers médico-cliniques. Madeleine Leduc Inc. développe également et met en marché des logiciels ... - Modify | Report
Micro Gesta Inc. (Vanier)
etiquetage nutritionnel, etiquette nutritionnelle, Micro gesta,Micro gesta, logiciels de gestion alimentaire et évaluation nutritionnelle - Modify | Report
S.O.S. Informatique Inc. (Quebec City)
site Web de SOS Informatique - Modify | Report
CTRL Informatique Ltée (Sainte Foy)
Les logiciels de gestion professionnels pour les professionnels! - Modify | Report
De Marque Inc. (Quebec City)
De Marque rend disponibles des ressources éducatives numériques stimulant l’apprentissage et le développement de compétences. - Modify | Report
Les MicroSystèmes JFB Inc. (Ancienne Lorette) - Modify | Report
Les Microsystèmes Sittel Ltée (Sainte Foy)
Services: IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager & AutoCAD - Modify | Report
Logiciels Avantage Inc. (Quebec City)
Les logiciels de comptabilité Avantage pour PME et professionnels comptables sont conçues pour être faciles à prendre en main et à utiliser au quotidien. - Modify | Report
Soft Informatique (Lemoyne)
Autre temps, autrement - Modify | Report
Syntell Software (Sainte Foy) - Modify | Report
ABIX - Personal organizer with calendar, todo, address book, family budget, home inventory and more! - Modify | Report
Amadeus International (Quebec City)
Xybion Corporation offers a comprehensive portfolio of software, services and solutions that includes Maximo Enterprise Asset Management, Pristima Pre-clinical solutions, Enterprise Content ... - Modify | Report
Copernic Technologies Inc. (Quebec City)
Copernic develops software that provides businesses and professionals with the means to find and manage information. Makers of Copernic Agent, Copernic Summarizer, and Copernic Enterprise Search - Modify | Report
Dynagram Software Inc. (Quebec City)
Dynagram offers scalable and professional imposition solutions for small to large commercial printers. - Modify | Report
PanaVue (Quebec City)
High end image stitching software for your camera and scanner. - Modify | Report
Société Informatique Safi Inc. (Sainte Foy) - Modify | Report
Software - Business
Abak Project Management Software - Time and Billing Software (Quebec City)Abak Time and Billing Software. Project Management Software used for timesheet, expense account, freelance management, resource planning and billing. - Modify | Report
Interal Maintenance Software CMMS GMOA Production CPMS Inventory Purchasing Punch Systems (Quebec City)
Maintenance, inventory and production software developer (CMMS, CPMS), ATL Active X components. Bar code system and RF terminals. - Modify | Report
Software - Database - Pick
Exorsys International Inc (Quebec City)Export / migrate Revelation and Advanced Revelation applications and data using Exorsys tools and services - Modify | Report
Software - Graphics
Gestion de Collections Informatisées inc. (Quebec City)GCI, gestion intégrée de l'information (GII), Experts en gestion documentaire, Gestion des documents, logiciel Ultima, Performance et sécurité. - Modify | Report
Innovmetric Software (Sainte Foy)
PolyWorks from Innovmetric, reverse engineering and inspection software for 3D digitizers, 3D scanners and CMM for rapid prototyping, 3D modeling, 3D design, inspection, CAD comparison and CAD/CAM. - Modify | Report
Software - Insurance - E-Business
National Bank Insurance - Home and Auto Insurance (Quebec City, Montreal)National Bank Insurance is a general insurance company that offers home and auto insurance quotes for residents of Québec. Online purchase of auto insurance is also available. Find information on home - Modify | Report
Software - Manufacturers
PME Symbiose (Quebec City)Logiciel de gestion manufacturière permettant l'acquisition des données de production en temps réel - Modify | Report
Software - Programming
Adept Technologie Canada (Sainte Foy)Adept robots, linear mechanisms, motion control, machine vision and automation software products are used by a wide range of industries worldwide. - Modify | Report
Baan Supply Chain Solutions (Sainte Foy)
We've built our business on proven extended ERP solutions that deliver integrated, end-to-end performance-from global supply chain to back office-with rapid, dependable ROI. 13, 000 active ... - Modify | Report
Computer Systems Advisers, Inc. (Quebec City)
Find a model management solutions for your business. The SILVERRUN tools suite opens a large area of opportunities for your enterprise... - Modify | Report
CyberCat Inc. (Quebec City)
CyberCat, Des solutions adaptées à VOS besoins. Développement sur mesure de commerce électronique, outils pour force de vente sans fil, intranet / extranet, Tableau de bord de gestion. - Modify | Report
Harfan Technologies Inc. (Pont Rouge)
VFA facilitates an integrated approach to facilities capital planning and management with Facilities Capital Planning and Management Solutions - Modify | Report
Madeleine Leduc Inc. (Pointe-aux-Trembles)
Madeleine Leduc Inc. est une société d'experts-conseil en gestion documentaire et en gestion de dossiers médico-cliniques. Madeleine Leduc Inc. développe également et met en marché des logiciels ... - Modify | Report
Micro Gesta Inc. (Vanier)
etiquetage nutritionnel, etiquette nutritionnelle, Micro gesta,Micro gesta, logiciels de gestion alimentaire et évaluation nutritionnelle - Modify | Report
S.O.S. Informatique Inc. (Quebec City)
site Web de SOS Informatique - Modify | Report
Software - Vertical
CTRL Informatique Ltée (Sainte Foy)Les logiciels de gestion professionnels pour les professionnels! - Modify | Report
De Marque Inc. (Quebec City)
De Marque rend disponibles des ressources éducatives numériques stimulant l’apprentissage et le développement de compétences. - Modify | Report
Les MicroSystèmes JFB Inc. (Ancienne Lorette) - Modify | Report
Les Microsystèmes Sittel Ltée (Sainte Foy)
Services: IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager & AutoCAD - Modify | Report
Logiciels Avantage Inc. (Quebec City)
Les logiciels de comptabilité Avantage pour PME et professionnels comptables sont conçues pour être faciles à prendre en main et à utiliser au quotidien. - Modify | Report
Soft Informatique (Lemoyne)
Autre temps, autrement - Modify | Report
Syntell Software (Sainte Foy) - Modify | Report
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Canada > Quebec > Quebec City Region > Computing > Software