Skating in Montreal Area, Quebec (QC) - Listings Canada
Canada > Quebec > Montreal Region > Montreal Area > Sports and Recreation > Skating
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Palladini Power Skating School (Kirkland)
Palladini Power Skating , We provide quality power skating instruction for hockey and ringuette players. Our goal is to improve basic skating techniques and in turn, Improving power, agility and ... - |
Apex Racing Skates (Montreal)
Apex est un patin de haute performance moulé au pied, fabriqué de carbone et de cuire de haute qualité. - |
Dupliskate Jonah Ltée (Montreal)
Skate Sharpening Machine. Dupliskate is the industry leader in automated and manual skate sharpening machines. - |
Le 1000 de La Gauchetière (Montreal)
Renowned prestige office building located downtown Montréal, Le 1000 de La Gauchetière is also recognized for its spectacular skating rink and its high-end conference centre. - |
Les Supremes Synchronized Skating (Montreal)
Auditions/Try-outs Communiqué/Announcement Contact us Contactez-nous - |
Montreal Silver Blades (Montreal)
Le club de patinage artistique Les lames argentées de Montréal est unique en son genre! Réservé aux adultes, il offre un environnement agréable ou chaque patineur, débutant ou expérimenté, peut ... - |
Roller-Montreal (Montreal)
FranÇais English Organisateur des Organizer of the - |
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Canada > Quebec > Montreal Region > Montreal Area > Sports and Recreation > Skating
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