Champlain District: Complete Category Index

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W

Accommodations (11)
 • Cottages & Cabins (1)
 • Country Inns (1)
 • Hotels & Motels (7) & inns
 • Resorts (2)
Accounting (1) & associations
Advertising & Marketing (7)
Aerospace (1)
Agriculture (3)
 • Organizations (1)
Appraisal - Real Estate (1)
Appraisals & Inspections - General (1)
Area Guides (1) Community & regional information sites, & regional directories & info
Aromatherapy (1)
Arts & Crafts (3)
 • Artists (1)
 • Glass (1) incl. stained glass, carved, etc
Attractions (1)
Automotive (26)
 • Body Work (1)
 • Collision Repair (1)
 • Dealers (12)
 • Leasing & Financing (1)
 • Motorcycles (1)
 • Repair & Parts (12)
 • Tires (2)
Aviation (2) & clubs, associations

Boating (1)
Books (1)
Building Supplies (14)
Business Opportunities (1)
Business Organizations (4) incl. Chambers of Commerce
Business to Business (77)

Career Colleges (1)
Catering (1)
Chiropractors (1)
Christian (6)
Christian Orthodox (1)
Cleaning & Janitorial (3) & Dry Cleaning, Chimney Cleaning, supplies
Commercial Fishing & Marine (1) Boatbuilders, shipyards, fishing industry resources, marine equipment
Community Colleges (5)
Community Services (1)
Computers (36)
 • Dealers (2)
 • Distributors (1)
 • Manufacturers (1)
 • Services & Repair (3)
 • User Groups (1)
Condos (1)
Construction (30)
 • Building Supplies (14)
 • Contractors (3)
 • Electrical (2)
 • General Services (3) doors, windows, renovations, painting, excavation, concrete, roofing
 • Plumbing, Heating, Refridgeration & Air Conditioning (5) incl. Heat Exchangers
Consulting (13)
Consulting - IT (1)

Dance (2)
Dating Sites (1) Online, Penpal
Dentists (4)
Design (2) & Interior design, Feng Shui
Dining (3)
Dogs (1)
Drugs (1)

Economics (1)
Education (21)
 • Alumni & Reunions (2)
 • Career Colleges & IT (1)
 • Grade Schools K12 (8)
 • Language (1)
 • Private Sector Training (3) business, computer, sailing, cooking, sports
Education: Community Colleges (5)
Electricians (2)
Electronics (2)
 • Business (1)
E-zines (1)

Farming (3)
Festivals (1)
Finance (10)
Food & Drink (13)
Football (1) and rugby
Freight (3)

Games (2)
Geology (1)
Government (2) institutions & related services
 • Municipal (2) towns & cities
Gymnastics (1)

Health & Safety (1)
Health (21)
 • Businesses (4)
 • Chiropractors (1)
 • Dentists (4)
 • Drugs & Supplies (1)
 • Health & Safety (1)
 • Massage (1)
 • Mental Health (2)
 • Nursing (1)
 • Nutrition (1)
 • Services & Retail Products (1)
Health: Alternative (3)
 • Aromatherapy (1)
Heating (5) incl. Heat Exchangers
Historical Sites (1)
Hockey (3) incl. Broomball
Home Inspection (1)
Home & Garden (3)
Hotels (7) & inns

Industrial (12)
 • Supplies (3)
Insurance (3)
Internet (1)
 • Search Optimization (2)
 • Web Design (7)
 • Web Services (11)
Introduction Services (1) Online, Penpal
Investigation Services (1)

Language Education (1)
Law (4) lawyers, law firms, law societies, & legal information
Law Firms (4)
Lawyers (4)

 • Plastics (2)
 • Pulp & Paper (1)
Maps (3)
Marketing (7)
Martial Arts (1)
Massage (1)
Media (7)
Museums & Historical Sites (1)
Music Instruments (1) & Instruction
Music (4)
 • Instruments & Equipment (1) & Instruction
 • Organizations (1)
 • Rock (1)
Musicians & Groups (1)

Nursing (1)
Nutrition (1)

Office Services (1) & secretarial, transcription

Packaging (1)
Packaging Manufacturers (3)
Personal Care (3) tanning, hairstyling, makeup, day spas
Personal Pages (1)
Personals (1) Online, Penpal
Pest Control (1)
Pets (7)
 • Dogs (1)
 • Services & Supplies (6) Veterinarians, pet store
Pharmacies (1)
Photographers (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Photographers - Wedding (1)
Photography (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Photography (1) incl. Commercial photograhers
Planned Communities (1)
Plumbing (5) incl. Heat Exchangers
Presbyterians (1)
Presentation products & services (2)
Printing & Pre-press (2)
Private Investigators (1)
Professional (6) engineering, enviromental, architects, consultants, & event planners
Publishing (3) & Book publishing

Real Estate (9)
 • Appraisal & Inspection (1)
 • Developments & Planned Communities (1)
Refridgeration (5) incl. Heat Exchangers
Religion (6)
 • Christian (6)
 • Christian Orthodox (1)
 • Presbyterian (1)
Research (1) & Instrumentation
Resorts (2)
Resource Industries (6)
Restaurants (3)

Schools - K12 (8)
Science (2)
Science & Humanities (6)
Science & Research (1) & Instrumentation
Screen Printing (1)
Scuba (1)
Search Optimization (2)
Security Products & Services (9) alarms, locksmithing, investigations
Shipping (3)
Shopping (38) souvenirs, retail services, bookstores, & mail order
Signs (4)
Skating (2)
Skiing (2) & snowboarding
Soccer (1)
Society (11) People-related resources, including dating, matchmaking, & penpal services
Software (15)
Sports & Outdoors (2) also camping & recreational equipment
Sports & Recreation (18) & leisure
 • Boating (1)
 • Businesses (2)
 • Diving & scuba (1)
 • Fitness (3)
 • Football & Rugby (1) and rugby
 • Gymnastics (1)
 • Hockey (3) incl. Broomball
 • Martial Arts (1)
 • Skating (2)
 • Skiing (2) & snowboarding
 • Soccer (1)
 • Water Sports (2)
Stained Glass (1) incl. stained glass, carved, etc
Stores (6) Veterinarians, pet store

Taxes (1)
Telecommunications (4) Phones, Cell Phones, PBX, Mobile
Telecommunications providers (1)
Theatre (1) incl. Opera, dinner theatre
Theatre Shows (1)
Tourism Associations (1)
Tours & Cruises (1)
Trade & Export (1)
Transportation (6) Ferries, airlines, trains, taxis, travel agencies, trucking, bus, limosines
Travel (25)
Trucking (3)

Universities & Colleges (2) & Colleges
Universities & Colleges (2) & Colleges

Veterinarians (6) Veterinarians, pet store
Virtual Assistants (1) & secretarial, transcription

Weather (5)
Web Design (7)
Web Services (11)
Weddings (2)
 • Photographers (1)
Wine (1)


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