Amherstburg, Ontario (ON) Business, Travel, and Local Directory
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Accommodations - Bed & Breakfast
Bondy Bondy House Bed & Breakfast, Amherstburg, ON - |
Honor's Bed & Honor's Bed & Breakfast, Amherstburg, ON - |
Accommodations - Cottages & Cabins
Edgewater Shangrila Luxurious Vacation Cottage Rental GuesthouseLocated in Amherstburg, Essex County, this is a Luxurious, Vacation Cottage Rental Guesthouse. Edgewater Shangri-la is our family owned waterfront vacation guesthouse located on a large private cor - |
Accommodations - Vacation Rentals
Edgewater Shangrila Luxurious Vacation Cottage Rental GuesthouseLocated in Amherstburg, Essex County, this is a Luxurious, Vacation Cottage Rental Guesthouse. Edgewater Shangri-la is our family owned waterfront vacation guesthouse located on a large private cor - |
Animals & Pets - Dogs
21st Century K9 Dog Training Facility and Boarding Kennel.Unleash your dog's potential. Mike Beckett has been training dogs for over 16 years. Using his proven & practical training methods, you will have a stable, confident, obedient & happy dog. - |
Apparel & Clothing
Debby's Country And Western BoutiqueWelcome To Debby's Country and Western Boutique We are situated in beautiful Amherstburg Ontario. It's just a 25 minute drive south from The Ambassador Bridge in Windsor along Highway 18. Follow ... - |
Area Guides
Amherstburg - |
Bois Blanc Island Lighthouse National Historic SiteBois Blanc Island Lighthouse National Historic Site of Canada - |
Fort Malden National Historic SiteFor 200 years, fortifications at Fort Malden have witnessed and participated in the struggles which helped forge a new nation out of the North American wilderness. An army garrison, British Indian Department post, dockyard for the Upper Great Lakes - |
Automotive - Repair & Parts
West Coast Dreams Inc.We Build "Dream Machines" Rated #1 in Safety The legendary menace of the motorways strikes again! From out of the past prowls this muscle guts rocket sled that smoked 'em all in the mid 1960's. ... - |
Building Supplies
Custom Doors & Drawers Inc.Welcome to Custom Doors Drawers Inc. Custom Doors Drawers 236 St. Arnaud Street, P.O. Box 157 Amherstburg, ON Canada N9V 2Z3 Ph: 519-736-2195 Fax: 519-736-2198 Toll-free fax: 800-361-5149 TO ... - |
Computers - Services & Repair
ISecureDat - A better way to backup!Offsite and Remote Data Backup Service - |
Ruston's P.C. ServiceRuston's Personal Computer Service Amherstburg Ont. Phone 519-736-5969 Fax 519-736-3883 Email Computer Repairs New Computer Setups Tune Up of Your System Upgrades To Your ... - |
Construction - General Services
Ken McAlpine Licensed Carpenterlicensed carpenter - |
Construction Contractors
Nasci Construction Services Ltd.Nasci Construction Services Ltd. is trained on Book 7, which outlines guidelines and specifications for transverse pavement markings. Nasci is familiar with lane closure and traffic diversion. ... - |
Essex Power CorporationThursday, July 7 You might be going through less light bulbs, but if you know Essex County summers, you're air conditioner has probably been on cruise control since June. An increased use of ... - |
Golf Clubs
Pointe West Golf Club - |
Pointe West Golf features live scoring and news for NFL football, MLB baseball, NBA basketball, NHL hockey, college basketball and football. is also your source for fantasy sports news - |
Government - Municipal
Town of AmherstburgHome page for the Town of Amherstburg's website. - |
Health - Alternative
Truthful HealingsServing Windsor & Essex County, Truthful Healings is dedicated to helping people heal a variety of pain with truth and love. Whether physical or emotional, we offer information, services and products ... - |
Health - Alternative - Yoga
International YogalayamInternational Yogalayam is the place to learn yoga online. Check out our unique online resources, articles, tips and instructions, ebooks and home study courses. See why we're heads and shoulders above the other yoga websites ... - |
Internet - Web Design
Motas Inc.Four Mind is a new web design company specializing in creating a distinctly fresh online presence for small businesses. We are currently developing a more informative website. If you are ... - |
Amherstburg Road MapAmherstburg map - with major streets and highways - Canada - |
Museums & Historical Sites
North American Black Historical Museum - |
Musicians - U
Urban DisciplesThis is the official Fan Site of the pop/rock/alternative band, URBAN disciples. I am a friend of some of the band members. Let me know what you would like to see on the site and I will ... - |
Organizations & associations
Amherstburg Lions Club - |
Amherstview Lions ClubMd A District A-3 Amherstview Lions Club Ontario Canada Music Box This Page address: Meetings: When:2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 7 pm. Where:Community Hall 108 Amherst ... - |
Thistle Masonic Lodge No. 34 - |
Clayton Studios - Architectural and Corporate PhotographyArchitectural Photographer Curt Clayton produces dynamic architectural photography, interior photography & aerial photography for clients in a wide range of industries. - |
Plumbing, Heating, Refridgeration & Air Conditioning
Atkinson PlumbingAtkinson Plumbing is a family owned family operated business. Operating out of Amherstburg providing plumbing services to Windsor, Essex County and the surrounding area since 1977. - |
Real Estate
Rosewood Crescent Co-operative HousingRosewood Co-op provides market & subsidized rental housing to the Amherstburg community. - |
Religion - Catholic
Council No. 02110Click LogoTo Request Information Help Us Build A Better World One Council At A Time! Dec. Jan./04 bulletin Welcome To Council # 2110 on The WWW. Please Visit Us Again ! The Passion of Christ ... - |
Bob-Lo Boats - A Tribute - |
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