Baseball and Softball in Ottawa Region, Ontario (ON) - Listings Canada
Canada > Ontario > Ottawa Region > Sports and Recreation > Baseball
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Blackburn Men's Fastball League (Gloucester)
We are a men's recreational fastball league established since early 1980's serving the Ottawa - Gatineau area. - |
Little League Ontario District 6 (Gloucester)
Little League Baseball and Softball in Ontario, Canada; District 6 (Ottawa and National Capital Region East) - |
Kanata Minor Softball Association (Kanata)
We are a non profit organization promoting the sport of softball in a fun environment. Boys and girls ages 5-18 welcome. House league, select, or competitive offered. - |
Nepean Oldtimers Slo Pitch Association (Nepean) - |
Little League Canada (Ottawa)
Over 50 years of teaching Canada's youth the principles of fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork and friendly competition ..... Depuis 50 ans, la Petite Ligue enseigne à la jeunesse canadienne les principes de l'esprit sportif, du travail d'équipe et - |
Ottawa Knights Baseball Club (Ottawa)
The Ottawa Knights Baseball Club fields two elite teams that play in the CEBC, the New York American Legion Baseball League and participate in tournaments in Canada and the U.S. - |
Parkwood Hills Softball Association (Ottawa)
Web Experience Toolkit (WET) includes reusable components for building and maintaining innovative Web sites that are accessible, usable, and interoperable. These reusable components are open ... - |
Stittsville Minor Softball Association (Ottawa)
Welcome to the Stittsville Minor Softball Association We are an enthusiastic and growing community sports organization supported by the parents and children of Stittsville. We endeavour to promote ... - |
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Canada > Ontario > Ottawa Region > Sports and Recreation > Baseball
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