Entertainers in Ottawa Region, Ontario (ON) - Listings Canada
Canada > Ontario > Ottawa Region > Entertainment and Leisure > Entertainers - comics, celebrities
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Canadian Hypnosis Centre (Kanata)
The Canadian Hypnosis Centre has a passion for supporting and motivating people to overcome challenges in their personal and professional lives thru hypnotherapy right here in Ottawa.
http://www.canadianhypnosiscentre.com/ - |
Hypnotist, Mentalist, Master Motivator--Blair Robertson (Orleans)
Psychic Medium Blair Robertson Predictions And More...
http://blairrobertson.com/ - |
A Clown Around (Ottawa)
L'il John of A CLOWN AROUND provides amazing fun, professional entertainment - from magic to comedy, from clowning to juggling.
http://www.aclownaround.com/ - |
Chris Pilsworth - Illusionist (Ottawa)
Chris Pilsworth, a full-time professional magician based in Canada, has been providing magical entertainment to audiences for over twenty years.
http://www.borntoamaze.com/ - |
Clown And Caricatures, Portraits-illustrations (Ottawa)
Clowns and Caricatures is one person, Laura Lynn Eggleston, who performs at Ottawa functions as a caricaturist or Bunky the Clown, available for corporate affairs or fundraising events.
http://caricaturesandclowns.tripod.com/ - |
Denis Grignon (Ottawa)
http://denisgrignon.com/ - |
Elliott Smith's Mystical Magic (Ottawa)
Magician for over 35 years, Elliott offers a wide range of entertainment from children's birthday parties to company events. His interactive magic brings fun and excitement to any event.
http://www.seethemagic.com/ - |
Jean-Guy Beaudry (Ottawa)
http://www.vjongleur.com/ - |
Jean-Luc Dupont (Ottawa)
With his vast arsenal of magic, Jean-Luc Dupont is uniquely skilled to perform strong entertaining magic customized to your needs.
http://www.jeanlucdupont.com/ - |
Lips, Tom (Ottawa)
TOM LIPS is a gifted Canadian singer-songwriter with two CDs to his credit. He is also a creative, dynamic teller of traditional and original stories.
http://www.tomlips.ca/ - |
Michael Bourada, Master Magician (Ottawa)
The Magic of Michael Bourada. An experience you'll never forget!
http://www.experiencethemagic.ca/ - |
Nanaimo Park Jugglers (Ottawa)
The Nanaimo Park Jugglers is a juggling club located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada that is dedicated to hosting the Nanaimo Park Juggling Jam.
http://carlroth.net/nanaimoparkjugglers/ - |
Rick Currie - Comedy Guy (Ottawa)
The rickcurriest site on the net! Home to Ottawa stand up comedian, Rick Currie.
http://www.rickcurrie.com/ - |
Right On The Head Juggling/Unicycling Troop (Ottawa)
The Right On The Head Juggling Troop is one of the premier performing troupes of the Nanaimo Park Jugglers based in Ottawa. Our mission is to bring fun circus entertainment to your event.
http://carlroth.net/rightonthehead/ - |
Shain, Alan (Ottawa)
Welcome to Alan Shain on-line Alan Shain is a multidisciplinary artist whose career spans theatre, dance, storytelling, and stand-up comedy. His work has attitude. He blends comedy with a strong ...
http://www.alanshain.com/ - |
Vallee, Daniele (Ottawa)
Danièle Vallée est auteure et conteuse. Elle porte ses écrits à la scène dans une dimension artistique teintée d'humour, accentuée des musiques variées du musicien Jean Cloutier qui l'accompagne ...
http://www.danielevallee.com/ - |
Majinx- Canadian Champions of Magic (Saint Eugene)
Majinx has created the most colourful and exciting illusion show, a blend of mechanical wizardy, music and comedy. MAJINX invites members of the audience to experience magic with an original twist!
http://www.majinx.com/ - |
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