Jazz in Ontario - Listings Canada
Canada > Ontario > Entertainment and Leisure > Music > Jazz
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Inside Ontario
All Canadian Jazz Festival (Port Hope)
The All-Canadian Jazz Festival, in Port Hope, Ontario, is a 3-day outdoor showcase of Canadian jazz performers surrounded by Port Hope‘s vintage architecture and natural Ganaraskan beauty.
http://allcanadianjazz.ca/ - |
Art Of Jazz (Toronto)
Volunteer at Art of Jazz For more information on volunteering at Art of Jazz please contact: Julie Webster t: 416 840-7663 AOJ Spring Celebration That's A Wrap The 3nd Art of Jazz Celebration ...
http://www.artofjazz.org/ - |
Bernard Stepien (Ottawa)
Jazz Projects the Klunk Project - breaking the separation of rythm and melody Breaths ! - the birth of a note Piano Less Monk - the full exploration of the music of Thelonious Monk Ra Material - ...
http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~bernard/jazz.html - |
Bianca Pittoors (Ottawa)
Home page of Bianca Pittoors. Bianca Pittoors is a multi media artist, singer songwriter and blogger. This website is a window into her artistic and professional life.
http://www.biancapittoors.com/ - |
Bickert, Ed (Toronto)
Ed Bickert, CM Lyric Poet of Jazz Guitar Biography Discography
http://sardine.tripod.com/bickert.html - |
Braid, David (Hamilton)
Copyright © 2002 by David Braid, all rights reserved.
http://www.davidbraid.com/ - |
Brian Browne (Ottawa)
The Official Web Site of Canadian Jazz Pianist Brian Browne
http://www.brianbrowne.com/ - |
Chris Breitner (Ottawa)
All about Chris Breitner. Upright bass player, guitarist, drummer = musician. The music, the mood, the facial expressions... /
http://www.chrisbreitner.com/ - |
Club Django Toronto (Toronto)
http://www.clubdjangotoronto.com/ - |
Cornerstone Records (Caledon)
An artist-run independent jazz label dedicated to presenting high-quality jazz recordings. Click here to enter
http://www.cornerstonerecordsinc.com/ - |
Dave Ward Trio (Ottawa)
A jazz trio (alto sax, acoustic bass and guitar) that plays
http://www.davewardtrio.ca/ - |
Davis, Ron (Toronto)
http://www.rddavis.com/ - |
Denise Baker Group (Cambridge)
Denise Baker - Jazz Vocalist
http://www.denisebakergroup.com/ - |
Diplomats Jazz Ensemble (Kitchener-Waterloo)
The Diplomats are a jazz trio that perform for weddings, anniversaries, parties and corporate events in the Kitchener-Waterloo and Greater Toronto areas.
http://www.diplomatsjazz.com/ - |
Dominique Forest (Ottawa)
http://www.dominiqueforest.ca/ - |
Double A Jazz (Toronto)
Double A Jazz features a swinging combination of guitarists, bassists, saxophonists, keyboardists, pianists, drummers, and vocalists (both male and female). Double A Jazz can perform as any size from
http://www.doubleajazz.com/ - |
Dr. Jazz (Ottawa)
DR JAZZ FESTIVE AUTHENTIC "NEW ORLEANS" MUSIC PROMOTIONS, PARADES, SPECIAL EVENTS. Dr. Jazz brings a wide variety of musical influences into its basic groove of funky, contemporary New Orleans ...
http://www.drjazz.ca/ - |
East Side Trio and Acoustic Flight dance band (Ottawa)
jazz from trio to 10-piece dance band
http://www.ralphhopper.ca/ - |
Gossamer Wings (Toronto)
Site Navigation Site Navigation Friday, Dec. 21st, join The Graham Howes Quintet with Vocalist Hazel Walker at MoMo's Bistro for some of the best jazz in the city, and lot's of Christmas Cheer! ...
http://www.gossamerwings.ca/ - |
Groovebug, The (Ottawa)
Groovebug is a personalized rich media music magazine and discovery engine designed for the iPad.
http://groovebug.com/ - |
GTA Swing Band (Toronto)
The GTA Swing Band is an 18-piece band dedicated to performing and preserving the great music of the Swing era. Specializing in the music of Glenn Miller, Count Basie and Duke Ellington, the ...
http://www.gtaswingband.com/ - |
Heillig Manoeuvre (Toronto)
https://www.heilligman.com/ - |
Hot five Jazzmakers (Toronto)
New Year's Eve Dinner Dance Updated December 11 2003 New Years Eve The selection, organising and advertising is now mostly behind us and we look forward to another great show. By the way, the ...
http://hotfivejazz.tripod.com/ - |
Hubert, Laura (Toronto)
Home Gigs CD's New! Half Bridled Live At The Rex My Girlish Ways Bio Contact
http://www.laurahubert.com/ - |
Jazz Rascals (London)
http://performers-r-us.com/rascals/ - |
Jazz Saxophonist Kirk MacDonald (Toronto)
Home Bio About Kirk MacDonald Discography As Leader As Sideman Compositions List of Titles Arrangements Gigs News Galleries photos Videos Press Kit Reviews Downloads Contact Kirk MacDonald - ...
http://kirkmacdonald.com/ - |
JAZZITUP (Toronto)
The best live music for intimate gatherings to larger corporate events! Established in 1995, JAZZITUP has become a top supplier of live jazz in Ontario, performing for clients from all over Canada
http://jazzitup.ca/ - |
Jeff Taylor and the Senior Leadership Team (Toronto)
Jeff Taylor and the Senior Leadership Team have been playing together since 2003. The group has worked hard to develop a unique sound that is driving but disciplined...
http://www.jefftaylorviolin.com/ - |
Jim Clayton Jazz (Toronto)
Live jazz for corporate events! Recommended by top Toronto venues like the AGO, Granite Club, and ROM. 3 national awards; 20 years' experience.
http://www.jimclaytonjazz.com/ - |
Joey Goldstein (Toronto)
Downloadable jazz guitar lessons, audio excepts from his recordings and biographical information available here.
http://www.joeygoldstein.com/ - |
John Geggie (Ottawa)
http://www3.sympatico.ca/johnd.geggie/ - |
Johnson, Molly (Toronto)
Singer, Songwriter, Philanthropist, www.mollyjohnson.com
http://www.mollyjohnson.com/ - |
Kelly Lee Evans (Ottawa)
Use this site to view new artwork by this talented artist or to listen to new music.
http://www.kellyleeevans.com/ - |
Lighthouse Swing Band (Kincardine)
Lighthouse Swing Big Band is dedicated to live swing dance music in South Western Ontario
http://www.lighthouseswingband.com/ - |
Loretta Hale Big Band (Hamilton)
This is a Hamilton, Ontario based big band who rehearse downtown Hamilton playing a variety of old big band charts
http://www.freewebs.com/lorettahale/ - |
Murley, Mike (Toronto)
Mike Murley Jazz Saxophonist Home Biography CD store Gigs Groups David Liebman / Mike Murley Quartet Davidson / Murley / Braid Quintet (DMBQ) Mike Murley Trio Murley / Braid Quartet Murley / ...
http://mikemurley.com/ - |
Music-Critic.com: Big Rude Jake (Toronto)
Page Not Found - Music Critic | The Home Of Music Reviews
https://musiccritic.com/404.php - |
National Music Camp of Canada (Orillia)
A Band, Orchestra, Jazz and Music Theatre Camp (ages 9 - 19) located in Orillia.
http://www.nationalmusiccamp.com/ - |
Nepean All-City Jazz Band (Nepean)
http://www.nacjb.com/ - |
Nepean All-City Jazz Band (Ottawa)
NACJB nepean all city jazz band. [ Enter ]
http://www.engsoc.org/~alanhigg/nacjb/ - |
Oshawa Jazz & Blues Festival (Oshawa)
Skip to content My blog Just another WordPress site Scroll down to content Posts Posted on November 14, 2017 Hello world! Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then ...
http://oshawajazzandbluesfestival.com/ - |
Ottawa Junior Jazz Band (Ottawa)
http://www.ojjb.ca/ - |
OttawaJazz.com (Ottawa)
The hottest Jazz Bands in Ottawa including event listings, news and on line CD shopping.
http://www.ottawajazz.com/ - |
Peter Newsom (Ottawa)
media creation music performance
http://www.peternewsom.ca/ - |
Prince Edward County Jazz Festival (Prince Edward County)
Home About Jazz Schedule Jazz Artists Tickets Jazz Locations Media Press Sponsors Rising Young Star TD Canada Trust Jazz Education Program Jazz Links Contacts Prince Edward County Jazz Festival - ...
http://www.pecjazz.org/ - |
Roy, Andre (Toronto)
Andre Roy - Toronto and Montreal 7 String Guitarist. One of Canada's few seven string guitarists, Andre has mastered jazz, classical, blues, rock, spanish, latin and new age. Toronto guitar, ...
http://www.andreroy.com/ - |
Sean Bray / Counterpoint Recordings (Toronto)
Buy New Album | Biography | Discography | Performances | Media | Photos | Contact | Links | Home
http://seanbray.com/ - |
Stardust Big Band (Bruce County)
Stardust is a powerhouse, 18 piece Big Band which performs music ranging from the Big Band Era to the modern sounds of today.
http://www.stardustband.net/ - |
Stone, Robert (Torbolton)
Digital music: a whole new world of possibilities in the musical scene. A new genre of music composed and produced by fervent music lovers. Find something new, something fresh and something ...
http://robertstonemusic.com/ - |
Subterranean Wonderland - I Mother Earth DIG the Ground (Mississauga)
Canada's greatest rockers, I Mother Earth receive tremendous exposure and support thoughout the WWW. Subterranean Wonderland's goal is to list all the IME related resources which exist.
http://www.derekweb.com/ime/ - |
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Canada > Ontario > Entertainment and Leisure > Music > Jazz
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