Canoeing and Kayaking in Nova Scotia - Listings Canada
Canada > Nova Scotia > Sports and Recreation > Water > Canoeing and Kayaking
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Province Wide
Klepper Folding Kayaks in CanadaKlepper Faltbootwerft AG - das berühmteste Faltboot aus Rosenheim - ein faltbarer mobiler Kajak von Klepper - |
Nova Scotia Marathon Canoe Racing AssociationPresidents Message 2003 It is the 27th of January and after several weeks of very cold weather and lots of snow I awoke to a light drizzle with heavy rains forecast. It is our January thaw and ... - |
Inside Nova Scotia
Banook Canoe Club (Dartmouth) - |
Canoe Camp Salmon River (Marion Bridge)
Rentals and sales of fine canoes and equipment, guided tours, outfitting and repairs - |
canoeing / kayaking cape breton with vacation villasKayaking and Vacation Villa on Cape Breton, Year Round - |
Cape Breton Seacoast Adventures (Ingonish)
Cape Breton Seacoast Adventures, runs "full day and 1/2 day fun kayak tours starting at the head of South Harbour where the Ingonish River meets the sea , on the Cabot Trail, Cape Breton ... - |
Cheema Aquatic Club (Waverley) - |
Eastern Shore Region (Route #6) Mushaboom (Mushaboom)
Eastern Shore Region (Route #6) Eastern Shore Region Route #6 Mushaboom Harbour - |
Hinterland Adventures and Gear (Weymouth)
Sea kayaking adventures from various locations in Nova Scotia including kayaking and canoeing day adventures. - |
Logan Kayak Sales (Fall River)
kayaks, canoes, water sports - |
Mahone Bay Kayak Adventures (Mahone Bay)
East Coast Outfitters is a community based eco-tourism operation located near Halifax, Nova Scotia. We specialize in guided sea kayaking tours & lessons and equipment rentals. Whether you‘re ... - |
North River Kayak Tours (North River Bridge)
Join us in our 20th year of operation of Kayaking Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia‘s greatest paddling destination. We offer a variety of sea kayaking tours and packages to suit everyone‘s needs ... - |
Old Creel Canoe & Kayak Inc. (Waverley)
Visit Old Creel Canoe & Kayak in Waverley, NS to browse Atlantic Canada‘s largest stock of canoes, kayaks and recreational rowing gear. Atlantic Canada's Largest Canoe & Kayak Dealer - |
Paradise Kayak Tours & Outdoor Shop (Louisbourg)
Guided kayak tours, kayakSales, Rentals, Outdoor gear - |
Rising Tide Expeditions (Cape Breton)
Sea Kayaking Adventures Along Cape Breton's Coasts. Kayak Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada with professional guides.Enjoy the cultures, history, seacoast and foods of Atlantic Canada throug - |
Sea Kayaking in Nova Scotia with Coastal Adventures (Tangier)
Atlantic Canada's most experienced sea kayaking operation for over 18 years - |
Wildwasser Sport (New Germany)
Wildwasser Sport manufactures, distributes and designs exceptional paddling products. - |
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Canada > Nova Scotia > Sports and Recreation > Water > Canoeing and Kayaking
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