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View This category in: Canada > Nova Scotia > South West
Dad's Paradise (Church Point)
One-of-a-kind framed pressed flower artwork and over 90 varieties of pressed flowers and greenery to use on candles, invitations, scrapbooks, furniture, cards, lampshades... - Modify | Report
Maud Lewis (Marshalltown)
Renowned Nova Scotia folk artist Maud Lewis, at the Black Sheep Gallery - Modify | Report
Japanses Wood Block Prints (Barton)
Japanese Print Gallery, Japanese woodblock prints, guaranteed original, from an old private collection including woodcut artists Hokusai, Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, Toyokuni, Yoshitoshi, Gekko and many others, showing Kabuki, Geisha, Landscapes, Ukiyoe, - Modify | Report
La Galerie Comeau (Comeauville)
Originaire de la partie acadienne de la Baie-Sainte-Marie en Nouvelle-Écosse, Denise Comeau continue d'y puiser son inspiration. Figuratives, les formes qu'elle organise le sont davantage pour le ... - Modify | Report
One-of-a-kind framed pressed flower artwork and over 90 varieties of pressed flowers and greenery to use on candles, invitations, scrapbooks, furniture, cards, lampshades... - Modify | Report
Arts & Crafts - Artists
Maud Lewis (Marshalltown)Renowned Nova Scotia folk artist Maud Lewis, at the Black Sheep Gallery - Modify | Report
Arts & Crafts - Galleries
Japanses Wood Block Prints (Barton)Japanese Print Gallery, Japanese woodblock prints, guaranteed original, from an old private collection including woodcut artists Hokusai, Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, Toyokuni, Yoshitoshi, Gekko and many others, showing Kabuki, Geisha, Landscapes, Ukiyoe, - Modify | Report
La Galerie Comeau (Comeauville)
Originaire de la partie acadienne de la Baie-Sainte-Marie en Nouvelle-Écosse, Denise Comeau continue d'y puiser son inspiration. Figuratives, les formes qu'elle organise le sont davantage pour le ... - Modify | Report
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