Canadian Study of Parliament Group (CSPG)
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
Canadian Transportation Agency
Language selection Français Search and menus Search and menus Search Search Topics menu Air travel Accessibility National transportation system Decisions determinations Enforcement Consultations ...
Canadian Women Voters Congress
We demystify the political process for women interested in working on campaigns, advocating for issues, and running for elected office.
Carruthers Communications, the Definitive Guide to the Canadian Government
The definitive source of information on the Canadian government, including Orders in Council, Regulations, Ministerial Orders, approved government orders, government agencies, government ...
CBC Archives: Canada's New Queen
On Feb. 6, 1952, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was proclaimed Queen of Canada. Her spectacular coronation in Westminster Abbey the following year was heard by millions on the radio and was the first ever to be televised. When she visited Canada
CBC News Indepth: Paul Martin
07:12 PM EST Feb 01 Indepth » Viewpoint » Science » INDEPTH: PAUL MARTIN Inside Paul Martin's mind By Dan Brown, CBC News Online | October 28, 2003 CBC News Online asked Paul Martin to name his
Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy
CIHR - Medical Research Council of Canada
CIHR is Canada's major federal funding agency for health research. Its objective is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for
CIPO-OPIC : Canadian Intellectual Property Office
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) administers intellectual property systems in Canada (patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies) and ...
Civil Aviation Medicine
The Civil Aviation Medicine Division (CAM) was created to enable Canada to fulfill its commitments associated with the 1944 Conventionon International Civil Aviation. The primary activity of CAM ...
Climate Change - It Matters
The Government of Canada Climate Change site is currently unavailable. We appreciate your interest in the important issue of climate change and suggest that you visit the following sites for more ...
Committees of the House of Commons
Committees of the House of Commons, Canada - Home Page Committees of the House of Commons 35th Parliament - 1st Session 2nd Session (started February 27, 1996) On these pages, you will find : A ...
Communications and Electronics Branch
Competing Realities: The Boreal Forest at Risk
Parliament of Canada Site Map | A to Z Index | Contact Us | Français Advanced Search Home | Parliamentary Business | Senators and Members | About Parliament | Visitor Information | ...
Competition Tribunal
Bienvenue au site du Tribunal de la concurrence
Conference Board of Canada
The Conference Board of Canada, The foremost independent, applied research organization in Canada.
Consular Affairs Bureau - Government of Canada
Le guichet unique du gouvernement du Canada qui rassemble toute l'information concernant les voyages à l'étranger.
Consulting Canadians
The Consultation Site provides ...
Consumer Information
Provides access to tools, resources and services available for consumers.
Copyright Board of Canada
The Board is an economic regulatory body empowered to establish, either mandatorily or at the request of an interested party, the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works, when the ...
Correctional Service of Canada
Le Service correctionnel du Canada, en tant que composante du système de justice pénale et dans la reconnaissance de la primauté du droit, contribue à la sécurité publique en incitant activement et en aidant les délinquants à devenir des citoyens
Country Insights
Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Crown Assets Distribution Centre
Crown Assets Distribution, purchasing, Canadian government surplus goods
Crown Corporation Policy and Information
Page d'accueil pour le site Web - Gouvernance
Debates of the Senate of Canada (Hansard)
Quick Links - A to Z Index Calendars - Senate Calendars - House FAQ's Glossary Important Notices Meetings - Senate Meetings - House Planning a Tour Speakers Teacher's Institute Youth Programs ...
Defence Research and Development Canada
Important Notices Avis importants
Department of Finance
Map to the Finance Canada Web site
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Le ministere des Pêches et des Oceans (MPO) est responsable, au nom du gouvernement du Canada, des politiques et des programmes à l'appui des interêts economiques, environnementaux et scientifiques du Canada
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada offre de l'aide aux Canadiens à l'étranger; aide les entreprises canadiennes à réussir sur les marchés mondiaux; diffuse notre culture et nos valeurs dans le monde; participe à la construction
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) supports Canadians abroad, works towards a more peaceful and secure world, and promotes our culture and values internationally.
Department of the Solicitor General of Canada
Sécurité publique Canada est chef de file en matière de politique et réalise des programmes dans les domaines de la sécurité nationale, la protection civile, l'application de la loi, le système correctionnel et la prévention du crime.
Economic Analysis and Statistics
Provides access to tools and resources, classified into 3 sections: Economic Research, Industry and Trade Statistics, and Market Research.
Employment and Learning
Contains a consolidation of websites offered by Industry Canada, the Industry Portfolio, partner websites, and the Government of Canada.
Environment and Health - Public Health Agency Canada
Provides information on environmental health. Includes resources for professionals, educators and the public and frequently asked questions on pesticides.
Environment Canada's Freshwater Web site: Frames version
Page selection de la langue
Exchanges Canada
Programmes d'échanges jeunesse au Canada par l'entremise de conférences, d'ateliers et de forums
Export Development Corporation (EDC)
Export Development Canada : Services for Canadian exporters - Exportation et développement Canada : Services pour les exportateurs canadiens
Federal Cabinet
Learn about Senators and Members of the Parliament of Canada, including their federal political experience, how they voted on bills, and ways to contact them.
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer
Canada's premier science and technology research organization, National Research Council Canada (NRC) is a leader in scientific and technical research, the diffusion of technology and the ...
Federal Regional Councils
Skip to English content | Passer au contenu Français HTTP Error 404 - Not Found We apologize. We cannot locate the web page you are attempting to access. Please check the URL as the page ...
FedNor is a regional development organization in Ontario that works with a variety of partners, as both a facilitator and catalyst, to help create an environment in which communities can thrive, businesses can grow and people can prosper. / FedNor
Finance and Corporate Services
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) - Sous-ministre adjoint (Finance et services du Ministere
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Canadian federal government agency working to protect and educate consumers of financial services.
Find Your MP
Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Oceans
This section contains the follow types of information about Canada's oceans and the manner in which various ocean activities and uses are being managed. These subjects include: Canada's marine zones and Canadian ocean facts; Ocean Management
Forms and Publications
This page for both individuals and business contains links to assist in finding CRA forms and publications: tax packages, by form number, by publication number, by document type, by subject, and by client group.
Geoscience Data Repository
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows for ...
Government of Canada
Le Site du Canada, the Canada Site, fournit un point d'acces complet à tous les programmes, services, departements, ministeres et organismes du gouvernement du Canada ...
Government of Canada Files
Search for records created by departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. The holdings include dockets, files, letterbooks, reports, surveys, databases, registers, indexes, and similar types of written, typewritten, and electronic
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
Canadian Transportation Agency
Language selection Français Search and menus Search and menus Search Search Topics menu Air travel Accessibility National transportation system Decisions determinations Enforcement Consultations ...
Canadian Women Voters Congress
We demystify the political process for women interested in working on campaigns, advocating for issues, and running for elected office.
Carruthers Communications, the Definitive Guide to the Canadian Government
The definitive source of information on the Canadian government, including Orders in Council, Regulations, Ministerial Orders, approved government orders, government agencies, government ...
CBC Archives: Canada's New Queen
On Feb. 6, 1952, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor was proclaimed Queen of Canada. Her spectacular coronation in Westminster Abbey the following year was heard by millions on the radio and was the first ever to be televised. When she visited Canada
CBC News Indepth: Paul Martin
07:12 PM EST Feb 01 Indepth » Viewpoint » Science » INDEPTH: PAUL MARTIN Inside Paul Martin's mind By Dan Brown, CBC News Online | October 28, 2003 CBC News Online asked Paul Martin to name his
Churchill Society for the Advancement of Parliamentary Democracy
CIHR - Medical Research Council of Canada
CIHR is Canada's major federal funding agency for health research. Its objective is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for
CIPO-OPIC : Canadian Intellectual Property Office
The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) administers intellectual property systems in Canada (patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs and integrated circuit topographies) and ...
Civil Aviation Medicine
The Civil Aviation Medicine Division (CAM) was created to enable Canada to fulfill its commitments associated with the 1944 Conventionon International Civil Aviation. The primary activity of CAM ...
Climate Change - It Matters
The Government of Canada Climate Change site is currently unavailable. We appreciate your interest in the important issue of climate change and suggest that you visit the following sites for more ...
Committees of the House of Commons
Committees of the House of Commons, Canada - Home Page Committees of the House of Commons 35th Parliament - 1st Session 2nd Session (started February 27, 1996) On these pages, you will find : A ...
Communications and Electronics Branch
Competing Realities: The Boreal Forest at Risk
Parliament of Canada Site Map | A to Z Index | Contact Us | Français Advanced Search Home | Parliamentary Business | Senators and Members | About Parliament | Visitor Information | ...
Competition Tribunal
Bienvenue au site du Tribunal de la concurrence
Conference Board of Canada
The Conference Board of Canada, The foremost independent, applied research organization in Canada.
Consular Affairs Bureau - Government of Canada
Le guichet unique du gouvernement du Canada qui rassemble toute l'information concernant les voyages à l'étranger.
Consulting Canadians
The Consultation Site provides ...
Consumer Information
Provides access to tools, resources and services available for consumers.
Copyright Board of Canada
The Board is an economic regulatory body empowered to establish, either mandatorily or at the request of an interested party, the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works, when the ...
Correctional Service of Canada
Le Service correctionnel du Canada, en tant que composante du système de justice pénale et dans la reconnaissance de la primauté du droit, contribue à la sécurité publique en incitant activement et en aidant les délinquants à devenir des citoyens
Country Insights
Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Crown Assets Distribution Centre
Crown Assets Distribution, purchasing, Canadian government surplus goods
Crown Corporation Policy and Information
Page d'accueil pour le site Web - Gouvernance
Debates of the Senate of Canada (Hansard)
Quick Links - A to Z Index Calendars - Senate Calendars - House FAQ's Glossary Important Notices Meetings - Senate Meetings - House Planning a Tour Speakers Teacher's Institute Youth Programs ...
Defence Research and Development Canada
Important Notices Avis importants
Department of Finance
Map to the Finance Canada Web site
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Le ministere des Pêches et des Oceans (MPO) est responsable, au nom du gouvernement du Canada, des politiques et des programmes à l'appui des interêts economiques, environnementaux et scientifiques du Canada
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canada offre de l'aide aux Canadiens à l'étranger; aide les entreprises canadiennes à réussir sur les marchés mondiaux; diffuse notre culture et nos valeurs dans le monde; participe à la construction
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) supports Canadians abroad, works towards a more peaceful and secure world, and promotes our culture and values internationally.
Department of the Solicitor General of Canada
Sécurité publique Canada est chef de file en matière de politique et réalise des programmes dans les domaines de la sécurité nationale, la protection civile, l'application de la loi, le système correctionnel et la prévention du crime.
Economic Analysis and Statistics
Provides access to tools and resources, classified into 3 sections: Economic Research, Industry and Trade Statistics, and Market Research.
Employment and Learning
Contains a consolidation of websites offered by Industry Canada, the Industry Portfolio, partner websites, and the Government of Canada.
Environment and Health - Public Health Agency Canada
Provides information on environmental health. Includes resources for professionals, educators and the public and frequently asked questions on pesticides.
Environment Canada's Freshwater Web site: Frames version
Page selection de la langue
Exchanges Canada
Programmes d'échanges jeunesse au Canada par l'entremise de conférences, d'ateliers et de forums
Export Development Corporation (EDC)
Export Development Canada : Services for Canadian exporters - Exportation et développement Canada : Services pour les exportateurs canadiens
Federal Cabinet
Learn about Senators and Members of the Parliament of Canada, including their federal political experience, how they voted on bills, and ways to contact them.
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer
Canada's premier science and technology research organization, National Research Council Canada (NRC) is a leader in scientific and technical research, the diffusion of technology and the ...
Federal Regional Councils
Skip to English content | Passer au contenu Français HTTP Error 404 - Not Found We apologize. We cannot locate the web page you are attempting to access. Please check the URL as the page ...
FedNor is a regional development organization in Ontario that works with a variety of partners, as both a facilitator and catalyst, to help create an environment in which communities can thrive, businesses can grow and people can prosper. / FedNor
Finance and Corporate Services
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance and Corporate Services) - Sous-ministre adjoint (Finance et services du Ministere
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Canadian federal government agency working to protect and educate consumers of financial services.
Find Your MP
Fisheries and Oceans Canada: Oceans
This section contains the follow types of information about Canada's oceans and the manner in which various ocean activities and uses are being managed. These subjects include: Canada's marine zones and Canadian ocean facts; Ocean Management
Forms and Publications
This page for both individuals and business contains links to assist in finding CRA forms and publications: tax packages, by form number, by publication number, by document type, by subject, and by client group.
Geoscience Data Repository
The Geoscience Data Repository (GDR) is a collection of Earth Sciences Sector geoscience databases that is managed and accessed by a series of Information Services (GDRIS). This site allows for ...
Government of Canada
Le Site du Canada, the Canada Site, fournit un point d'acces complet à tous les programmes, services, departements, ministeres et organismes du gouvernement du Canada ...
Government of Canada Files
Search for records created by departments and agencies of the Government of Canada. The holdings include dockets, files, letterbooks, reports, surveys, databases, registers, indexes, and similar types of written, typewritten, and electronic
Canada > Government > Federal