Tofino -

Tofino, population 1100, is a former logging and fishing village that has become a center for ecotourism. It is located on Clayoquot Sound, on the Pacific coast of Vancouver Island, 208 km (129 miles) west of Nanaimo
• Pacific Rim National Park . Rocky headlands, long beaches, and wild surf, set against Vancouver Island's temperate rain forest. Parking fee $10/day.
Tofino is a gateway to the Island's backcountry. With a guide or on your own, explore amazing trails or paddle beautiful inlets. There is still a lot of wildlife, such as Orcas, Bald Eagles, and bears. The chamber of commerce site has good listings for things to do in Tofino In the summer, this is a very busy tourist destination. It is a popular place for residents of BC to go as well as for those visiting from outside BC. In the winter, many of the facilities close up. However, there are still a number of travelers who come to see the storm season.
Early in the season, the main attraction is the gray whales that are passing through the area. In the height of summer, the long sandy beaches south of town are the main attraction. Surfing (with a 5mm wet suit) is popular whenever the surf is up.
• Tough City Sushi Bar, 350 Main St., 725-2021. Excellent sushi restaurant. Dinner about $25/person.
• Sobo, In the Botanical Gardens. Outstanding! Have the chowder, the killer fish taco and the sushi tofu pockets. Dinner about $15 / person.
• Schooners, 331 Campbell St., (250) 725-3444 , do yourself a favor and go there for a yummy breakfast.
• Friends of Clayoquot Sound . Environmental defense organization.
• Tofino Long Beach Chamber of Commerce
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