Dispute Resolution in British Columbia - Listings Canada
Canada > British Columbia > Professional > Law > Dispute Resolution
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Province Wide
AABC - Arbitrators Association of British ColumbiaEstablished in 1980, the Arbitrators Association of British Columbia is an independent association of professional arbitrators and mediators. Membership in the association is limited to ...
http://www.labour-arbitrators.bc.ca/ - |
Inside British Columbia
ADR Education (Victoria)
ADR Education ADR Education is a partnership of five dispute resolution companies and their principals Gordon Sloan , Jamie Chicanot , Andrew Fulton , Sylvie Matteau and Jessica McNamara . Our ...
http://www.adreducation.ca/ - |
ADR Services (Vancouver)
ADR Services, Inc. is a Vancouver based alternative dispute resolution group. The members of ADR Services are all experienced arbitrators, and members of the Arbitrators Association of British ...
http://www.adrservices.ca/ - |
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Vancouver)
Our services include alternate dispute resolution or ADR, binding arbitration, litigation support and more. Colin Taylor is a leading authority in the field of dispute resolution.
http://colintaylor.ca/ - |
BC Arbitration & Mediation Institute (Vancouver)
THE BRITISH COLUMBIA ARBITRATION & MEDIATION INSTITUTE; British Columbia's Leader in ADR Solutions. Contractual clauses requiring mediation and/or arbitration instead of litigation, ...
http://bcami.com/ - |
British Columbia Mediator Roster Society (Victoria)
http://www.mediatebc.com/ - |
Canadian Dispute Resolution Corporation (Surrey)
We help companies and individuals bridge the gap between conflict and resolution. How can we help you Open X CDRC Canadian Dispute Resolution Company Home Our Mediators Before We Begin Get ...
http://cdrc.com/ - |
Carol A. Brown, Mediator (Prince George)
Dispute resolution via mediation by Carol A. Browm, experienced in business and contract law, corporate and commercial law, commercial real estate, estate planning with a focus on people and the ...
http://www.carolbrown.ca/ - |
David C. Verge (Port Coquitlam)
Arbitration Mediation David C. Verge Chartered Arbitrator Mediator & Conciliator The alternative to a lengthy and expensive court trial is ADR Appropriate Dispute Resolution Arbitration | ...
http://www.goodbyecourts.com/ - |
Dispute Resolution Centre (Victoria)
nonprofit society that provides mediation and coaching services for individuals, families and organizations
http://communicabc.org/ - |
Gillian Saxby Mediation Services (Courtenay)
Gillian provides conflict resolution and mediation services to individuals, businesses, governments and First Nations.
http://www.gsaxbymediation.com/ - |
Pacific Centre for Dispute Resolution (Vancouver)
Dispute resolution services, effective and timely dispute resolution services focusing on mediation and arbitration. Located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada
http://www.pacificdisputeresolution.com/ - |
Shields Harney (Vancouver)
Shields Harney was formed in 1998 by John Shields and Greg Harney. Both having left large firms, they joined forces to better serve their clients with a personal, results-focused approach.
http://www.shieldsharney.com/ - |
Smith Barristers - Murray Smith, LLM Chartered Arbitrator (Vancouver)
Arbitrations Royal commissions Positions Publications Practice areas Offices Professional standing Education Continuing Legal Education Résumé / CV Search Murray Smith LLM Chartered Arbitrator ...
http://smithbarristers.com/ - |
Tees Kiddle Spencer, Lawyers - Mediators (Campbell River)
Tees Kiddle Spencer is a full service law firm with over 20 years of experience
http://www.tkslaw.com/ - |
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Canada > British Columbia > Professional > Law > Dispute Resolution
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