British Columbia Photo Gallery

384 Total Photos

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Penticton, BC 1915, G.H.E. Hudson - PA30230
Penticton, BC 1915, G.H.E. Hudson - PA30230
Port Hardy
Diver with wolf eel, Port Hardy, British Columbia
Diver with wolf eel, Port Hardy, British Columbia
Prince Rupert
Prince Rupert, BC 1911, McRae Bros. - PA95633
Prince Rupert, BC 1911, McRae Bros. - PA95633
Prince Rupert
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1911, PA95665
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 1911, PA95665
Quadra Island
Picnic on Quadra Island
Picnic on Quadra Island
Quatsino, British Columbia, 1920; photo B.W. Leeson pa-68294
Quatsino, British Columbia, 1920; photo B.W. Leeson pa-68294
Queen Charlotte City
Giant spruce, Queen Charlotte National Park, British Columbia
Giant spruce, Queen Charlotte National Park, British Columbia
Queen Charlotte City
Old Growth Forest - Queen Charlotte Islands, BC
Old Growth Forest - Queen Charlotte Islands, BC
Queen Charlotte City
Temperate rain forest, Queen Charlotte National Park, BC
Temperate rain forest, Queen Charlotte National Park, BC
Queen Charlotte Islands
Boats at the Masset Harbour.
Boats at the Masset Harbour.
Columbia River, Revelstoke, British Columbia
Columbia River, Revelstoke, British Columbia
Revelstoke area
Revelstoke area
CPR, Revelstoke, BC c.1890, Trueman & Caple - PA25048
CPR, Revelstoke, BC c.1890, Trueman & Caple - PA25048
Saanich Inlet - Vancouver Island, BC
Saanich Inlet - Vancouver Island, BC
Salt Spring Island
Road, Saltspring Island, British Columbia
Road, Saltspring Island, British Columbia
Salt Spring Island
Saltspring Island, British Columbia
Saltspring Island, British Columbia
Near Smithers, BC
Near Smithers, BC
Clouds Near Sparwood, BC
Clouds Near Sparwood, BC

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