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Canada Wide
First Nations Art CanadaFirst Nations: Native and Inuit Canadian art-divided by regions/tribes. Special illustrated essay/gallery: Noirval Morrisseau, Ojibwe - Modify | Report
First Nations Art Store
First Nations art created by Canada's First Nation artists. Beautiful, creative and spirited artwork, paintings and crafts by authentic aboriginal artists. - Modify | Report
Inuit Art of Canada
Inuit Art of Canada: The Inuit Art specialist for professionals offers you a large selection of fine sculptures. Le spécialiste de l'art Inuit pour les professionels. - Modify | Report
l'Art Inuit du Canada.
L'Art Inuit du Canada: Le spécialiste de l'art Inuit pour les professionels vous offre un large choix de pièces d'art inuit. - Modify | Report
Multitribe Gallery of Baskets -- Native American Art
Gallery of Native American baskets, basketmakers from northeastern tribes, New England and Canada. - Modify | Report
Undetermined Location
Bruce BarryNative American artist. Colourful traditional icons and mixed media paintings. - Modify | Report
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Canada > Arts and Crafts > Native