Canada’s public transit systems -
Vancouver (SkyTrain), Calgary (CTrain), Edmonton (LRT), Toronto (TTC), Ottawa (O-Train) and Montréal (metro) are all serviced by subway.
Fares generally range between CAD $2-$2.50 and can be purchased at the point of arrival. Day passes offering unlimited use are also available in places such as Toronto. Ask the operators for more details.
Avoid using public transportation during rush hour (7am-9am and 4pm-6pm). Trains, buses and trolleys get very congested, especially in the larger cities.
Follow the links below to find out more on a respective city’s public transportation, including hours of operation and routes.
British Columbia
Greater Vancouver Transit Authority
Calgary Transit
Edmonton Transit System
Regina Transit
Winnipeg Transit
Toronto Transit Commission
OC Transpo, Ottawa
Société de transport de Montréal
Réseau de Transport de la Capitale, Québec City
New Brunswick
City of Fredericton Transit Division
Nova Scotia
Halifax Metro Transit
Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown public transit
Newfoundland & Labrador
St. John's Metrobus
Whitehorse Transit
Northwest Territories
Yellowknife Transit
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