Vocal Music in Alberta - Listings Canada
Canada > Alberta > Entertainment and Leisure > Music > Vocal
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Inside Alberta
Alberta Choral Federation (Edmonton)
The Alberta Choral Federation is a non-profit association of choral directors, teachers, choristers, and others with an interest in choral music.
Alberta Gold Show Chorus (Calgary)
Alberta Gold, a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, is a women's chorus who sing four-part a cappella harmony. Come on & Join the Fun!
Ariose Women's Choir (Edmonton)
Ariose Women‘s Choir is an award winning, nationally recognized choir of singers from all walks of life. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, and led by their artistic director, Jolaine Kerley, the group ...
Calgary Girls Choir (Calgary)
Calgary Men's Chorus (Calgary)
No audition required. New members may join every September and January. Our concerts are every December and June. See website for more info.
Cantare Children's Choir (Calgary)
Each week over 180 children ages 6 through 19 come together to experience the joy of singing at Cantaré Children's Choir. Under the direction of Catherine Glaser-Climie the choir is in its 8th season.
Edmonton Vocal Minority (EVM) (Edmonton)
EVM provides members an opportunity for personal and musical growth in a safe and fun environment. EVM is a non-auditioned choir, which means that we accept anyone who has an interest in singing and i
Freddy (Calgary)
Home Bio Music Gallery Videos Performances Media Links Contact April 18, 2015 by admin 1 Comment Freddy News… Gifted songwriter, Freddy Litwiniuk offers us his first radio single from his ...
Gietz, Gordon (Calgary)
Greenwood Singers (Edmonton)
The choir is dedicated to performing all types of choral music from Renaissance to Broadway.
Heebee-jeebees, The (Calgary)
The Heebee-jeebees are an a cappella quartet from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They are Canada's favorite group for corporate or concert. Check them out!
Kokopelli Youth Choir (Edmonton)
An Edmonton-based family of choirs that provides young singers with opportunities for musical education, musical growth and public performance, and fostering connections among communities at ...
Lynne Singers (Edmonton)
The Lynne Singers is an Edmonton, Alberta chorus accepting members who can carry a tune and are willing to practice.
Notre Dame des Bananes Choir (Edmonton)
Edmonton's most dangerous choir. [ Home | History | Events | Join | Choir Members | For $ale | Links | Contact ] Notre Dame des Bananes is a choir in Edmonton Canada that sings songs of peace, ...
Pro Coro Canada (Edmonton)
Rhythm of the Rockies Chorus (Calgary)
Rhythm of the Rockies is an eclectic, a cappella women's chorus. We offer music education fun and friendship. Chorus and quartets are available to perform in Calgary and area.
Richard Eaton Singers (Edmonton)
Richard Eaton Singers home tickets artistic team get involved give library rentals contact members home generalmanager 2016-01-13T18:00:46+00:00 Founded in 1951 by the late Richard Eaton, the ...
Stampede City Chorus (Calgary)
Stampede City Chorus, a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, is an acappella men's barbershop chorus located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Youth Singers of Calgary (Calgary)
Youth Singers of Calgary: Singing and dancing show choir for youths aged 3 1/2 to 29.
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Canada > Alberta > Entertainment and Leisure > Music > Vocal
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